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Meet Our Team

Danny Calderón


NMLS 695666

Mobile 831-682-2129


Danny Calderón


in progress…

Miguel Santamaria


NMLS 1252470

Mobile 831-905-4007


Miguel Santamaria


As your Mortgage Broker, I will work tirelessly to help you achieve your financial goals. Here are some ways I can assist you:


  • I can help you find the right loan product that fits your unique needs and budget.
  • I can guide you through the loan application process and answer any questions you may have.
  • I can provide you with personalized advice on how to improve your credit score and financial standing.
  • I can help you stay on track with your loan payments and offer solutions if you ever experience financial hardship.
  • I can be your trusted advisor when it comes to all things related to borrowing and lending.


With me as your mortgage broker, you can rest assured that you will have a dedicated partner by your side for all your financial needs. Let’s work together to achieve your dreams.

Contact me, call 831-905-4007 or email me

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